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Author Guidelines

Articles submitted to the publishing center in Russian language (1 sp., and their electronic versions by email Paper and electronic version must be fully consistent with each other.

Article typed in the editor Microsoft WORD with the following settings: page margins top - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, the text frame 16 × 25 cm. Style is normal. Font - Arial Narrow. Size-13, line spacing for text -one and a half, for tables - single mode alignment -in width, hyphenation - automatic. Indention should be the same throughout the text (1.27 cm). Left without a paragraph or UDC BBK, a missed line - the name of the article (in bold size 14), missed the line -full name, place of employment, academic degree, academic rank, position, contact phone numbers with area code, postal and e-mail addresses, and then missed the line -key words (3-5 words), missed the line -the abstract to the article, the average volume of 2000 symbols (200-250 words), size 12, single spacing (should not begin the abstract by repeating the title and it is necessary to illuminate the aim, methods, results, it is desirable to bringing the quantitative data clearly formulate conclusions; the breakdown is not allowed to use the introductory paragraphs and words and sentences). A blank line, then the text of the article (font size -13). The text of published material should be set out concise, clear language. In the beginning of the article should be summarized research perspective (relevance), then set out the purpose of the research, the problem of this work at the end of the article -scientific results with their applied nature.

At the end of the article in English the full name, place of employment, academic degree, academic rank, position, telephone code, postal and e-mail address, title, keywords, abstract and bibliography are indicated.

Tables and figures can be in the text, tables should be created in WORD. Illustrative material should be clear and high quality. Gain formula with no gaps in the middle. Figures and graphics only bar without halftone and color fill, captions centered. Article should not end with the formula, tables, figures.

The article is 7-10 standard pages of text, including tables and figures (no more than three), the table must have a thematic title, figures should be grouped. Title of the article should not contain more than 70 letters

Bibliography should be written in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 (7-10 sources are not older than 10 years), the text of the article should be reference to the literature used (in brackets).

DO NOT LINK TO textbooks and teaching aids.

At the end of the article it is indicated the column in which you want to place your article. Article signed by the author and scientific superviser (for graduate students), applied the expert review (Doctor or Professor of Science), guarantee letter,a photocopy of a six-month subscription to the magazine in accordance with the amount of the author's allegations. Should be represented to the CPC in time.

For the content of the article (true of the manuscript quotations, facts, statistics) is responsibility of the author (authors). Materials that do not meet the above requirements are not considered by the Editorial Board.

The text of the article is checked for antiplagiat, uniqueness should not be below 80%. For the post-graduate students the publication of the article will be free of charge. Received materials are peer-reviewed. In the case of negative review the article will be returned to the author. Rejected articles may be resubmitted to the Editor after processing by the reviewers' comments. Accepted or rejected, edited the manuscript and disk storage are not returned.

You are kindly requested to check the text for spelling and syntax mistakes.

Author guidelines in PDF (download).

Sample of the paper

UDK 633.152.47


Kukonkova A. A., graduate student of the department «Technology of storage and processing of agricultural products», State educational institution of higher education «Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy».

603107, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Avenue, 97.


Terehov M. B.,dr. agricultural sciences, prof., head of the department «Technology of storage and processing of agricultural products», «State educational institution of higher education «Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy».

603107, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Avenue, 97.


Keywords: triticale, nature, vitreous, protein, herbicides.

The purpose of the study - to improve the quality of grain of spring Triticale. The Experience was conducted within two-factor scheme in 4 replicates. The quality of grain of spring Triticale has been studied depending on seeding rates and herbicide treatment (Magnum + Dikameron Grand). Seed material - spring Triticale variety - Ulyana. The quality of grain crops was estimated by a number of indicators that joinly characterize its physical-chemical, nutritional and technological properties. The basic physical parameters of grain quality - nature and glassy. Grain obtained in 2007 has been characterized by Maximum values ​​of nature. Grain nature of the current year ranged from 715 to 716 g/l for versions without herbicide treatment and from 714 to 716 g/l - for versions with herbicide treatment. In every experiment year herbicide treated spring Triticale grain glassiness was higher relative to that of untreated herbicide. The protein content in grain (average for 3 years) ranged from 13.1 to 13.9% for trials untreated herbicide and from 13.7 to 14.7% - by trials with herbicide treatment. The average 3-year value of total yield for treatments without herbicides was 372.3-437.9 kg/ha, and on the options to the processing of crops with herbicides - 505.1-553.5 kg/ha. The maximum total yield of protein per hectare was obtained in 2008 The lowest gross protein was characterized in 2007 found that the quality of grain of spring Triticale has been dependent on a seeding rate and herbicides application on seeded crops.


    1. Aleshchenko, A. M. Evaluation of starting material for selection of spring triticale forms in the Central chernozemic area // Achievements of agricultural science in the beginning of the XXI century. - Volgograd ; Voronezh, 2010. - P. 227-231.
    2. Bulavina, T. M. Agro-biological factors impact on spring triticale grain protein content // Soil research and fertilizers
      application : collection of scientific papers. - Minsk : Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Belarus NAS. - 2007. - Vol. 27. - P. 183-189.
    3. Bulavina, T. M. Key factors determining protein content in the winter triticale grain // Science to agricultural production and education. - Smolensk, 2010. - P. 45-47.
    4. GOST R 53899-2010. Triticale forage. Specifications. - M., 2011. - 56 c.
    5. Kshnikatkina, A. N. Winter triticale varieties study / A. N. Kshnikatkina, N. V. Rogozshkina // Feeds production. - 2013. - №10. - P. 21-22.
    6. Masterov, A. S. Influence of fertilizers and growth regulators on yield and quality of spring triticale grain and potato on the sod-podzolic loam soils in the environment of north-eastern part of the Republic Belarus : candidate of agricultural sciences dissertation author's abstract : 06.01.04 / Masterov Aleksey Sergeevich. - Minsk, 2010. - P. 23.
    7. Pshenichko, N. M. Seeding rate effect on spring triticale yield and grain quality / N. M. Pshenichko, V. S. Toschev // Production technologies and crop productivity improvement. - Nizshniy Novgorod, 2010. - P. 28-30.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with each of the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to the authors.

  • Absence of plagiarism.  The authors guarantee that this article has not been published in whole or in part, and is not under consideration or in the process of publication in another publication.

  • Correct manuscript format. Manuscript file format is Microsoft Word (has the extension *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf). The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

  • Abstract is designed in accordance with the requirements and do not exceed the limit.

  • Illustrations. Tables and figures were placed within the text of the manuscript and have their titles.

  • Bibliography. The list of references is formatted in accordance with the requirements. All the cited sources were checked for DOI.

  • Supplementary files. The authors have prepared for transfer to the editor

    • Graphic files (photos, satellite images, graphics, etc.).
    • Cover Letter

    The authors are ready to upload these files to the journal website in Step 4 during the manuscript submission process.

  • The authors confirm that:

    • all participants who have made a significant contribution to the study are presented as co-Authors;
    • those who did not participate in the study are not listed as co-Authors;
    • all co-Authors have seen and approved the final version of the work and agreed to submit it for publication.

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