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The purpose of research is improvement of biochemical parameters of spring wheat grain quality. The studies were conducted in 2007-2010 in the conditions of forest-steppe of the Middle Volga Region. The object of the study was the released varieties of Kinelskaya 59 spring soft wheat grain. The soil of experimental plot is typical chernozem medium loamy, medium. Spring wheat was placed in crop rotation and green manure with clean steam. In crop rotations the following fertilizer were used: no fertilizer application (control) and application N22P22K22 before sowing (azofoska of 1.4 t/ha). Spring wheat crops in 2007 were treated in tillering stage with herbicide Difezan (0.2 l/ha); in 2008 – in the phase of tillering herbicide Logran (10 g/ha). In crop rotations in three different systems of primary tillage were studied. Found that in crop rotation with bare fallow total protein content was little more than link with green manure and steam amounted to an average of 12.7 percent. This was contributed to the increase in the protein fractions of wheat globulins by more than 5% of glutelins more than 9 percent. Thus, when plowing by 20-22 cm increased the accumulation fraction of that prolamins, and fertilizing (N22P22K22) contributed more knock-tunately fractions albumins an average of more than 6% and globulins by 16%, which led to an increase in total protein more than 5% compared to zero tillage. Depending on the subtype of clogging of crops in crop rotation and green manure with clean steam fractional composition of grain increased in the variant without weeds. The fraction of albumin was higher on average by 13%, globulins 11%, glutelins 21%, and the fraction of Pro-laminam has changed slightly. Young and perennial subtypes clogging of the wheat crops reduced the protein content on average by 7-9% in comparison with the variant without weeds.

About the authors

Natalya Pavlovna Bakaeva

Samara State Agricultural Academy


Olga Leonidovna Saltykova

Samara State Agricultural Academy



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Copyright (c) 2017 Bakaeva N.P., Saltykova O.L.

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