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The purpose of research is improving the quality of surface tillage during sowing of winter crops and, as a result, crops yield increasing. Quality compacting soil tillage rinks affect its physical and mechanical properties, such as moisture content, structure, and density, optimum value of which is regulated agronomic requirements for cultivation of specific agricultural crops. These properties affect the quality of seeding and water-air regime of the soil. Therefore, when conducting experimental studies, moisture content, structure, and soil density was controlled to optimize parameters and modes of operation of the rink to bring the above soil properties in compliance with agro-technical requirements. The quality of soil the proposed rink was assessed in comparison with existing rinks. The criterion of quality was the factor of conformity to the standard kcs, which characterizes the compliance of the density and structure of the soil reference values established by the agrotechnical requirements. The result of the research revealed that the maximum value of kcs = 0.84 is achieved at a speed ofv = 11 km/h and the ballast mass m = 78 kg. After tillage rinks seeder the factor of conformity to the standard kcs = 0.68; after soil tillage the existing rink kcs = 0.71; and after the processing of the proposed soil-cultivating rink the factor of conformity to the standard amounted to kcs = 0.84, which is significantly higher than after soil tillage of existing rink. While the specific metal content of the proposed ice rink will not exceed 116 kg per 1 m of width, which is 2.4 times less than that of the rink 3CCH-6 (283.6 kg/m).

About the authors

Ivan Aleksandrovich Sharonov

Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy named after P.A.Stolypin


Vladimir Ivanovich Kurdyumov

Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy named after P.A.Stolypin


Viktor Valer'evich Kurushin

Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy named after P.A.Stolypin


Vyacheslav Evgen'evich Proshkin

Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy named after P.A.Stolypin



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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2017 Sharonov I.A., Kurdyumov V.I., Kurushin V.V., Proshkin V.E.

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