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The purpose of research is improving quality indicators of Holstein youth in intensive milk production technology. Experimental studies were carried out on dairy farm GUI SU Kupinskiy Bezenchukskaya district of the Samara region. The material for the study were heifers obtained from cows with different mothers continuedtive physiological periods. We have investigated the influence of cows physiological periods duration by morphofunctional parameters of newborn calves – their growth, development and reproductive qualities. The number of newborn calves, obtained from cows with different mothers about the duration of physiological periods, was formed three groups of animals 10 animals in each according to their belonging to the parent group. In newborn calves-governmental morphofunctional assessment on such indicators as the density of hair, the implementation of standing posture, the implementation of sucking reflex, the amount of O-incisor teeth, blood and tail length distance from the calcaneal tuber hock it was held. It was found that the performance of calves viability depends on the duration of periods of physio-logical cows-mothers. Indicators of morphological and functional assessment of calves at birth determine their further growth, development and reproductive ability. To increase reproductive ability of rearing under intensive milk production technology is necessary to optimize the parameters of physiological periods in cows and led to morphological and functional evaluation of calves at birth.

About the authors

Khamidulla Baltukhanovich Baymishev

Samara State Agricultural Academy

профессор; доктор биологических наук; зав. кафедрой; кафедра «Анатомия, акушерство и хирургия» The Russian Federation, Samara


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