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The purpose of research is increasing the output of stone fruit trees planting material per area unit in the environment of the Middle-Volga Area. Experimental research has been carried out at Samara State Agricultural Academy and the horticultural farm «Kutuluk» of Bogatovskiy District in 2015-2016. The stone fruit trees grafting of zoned and promising varieties have been selected to become research objects. Grafting viability accounting has been performed according to the program and the method Cultivar fruit, berry and nut trees. In the article presented we demonstrate the data for the viability rate of stone fruit seedlings produced by three breeding methods: June budding, chip budding and spring copulation grafting. The studies resulted in significant differences found concerning grafts viability due to species, grafting techniques, varieties and dates(years) of grafting. It is shown that chip budding and spring copulation grafting under the critical climate of the Samara region provides a higher viability rate of all the stone fruit species, respectively, 78.3 and 68.0%. It was revealed that the viability rate has been greatly depended on weather conditions during the fusion of grafting components. The June budding seedlings output has been much lower 41.8%, not stable over the years and is largely dependent on weather conditions of overwintering grafted buds.


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