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The purpose of research is justification of area efficiency of the proposed mixer with vertical shaft and paddle stirrer, the edges of the blades which are fixed sinusoidal blades. Research has shown that, by virtue of the kinetics of mixing all the mixers in the early period mixing significantly improve the quality of the mixture, after which stabilization of the quality indicators, and in some cases starts and segregation of the mixture. The nature of the change of the uniformity of the mixture is kind of exponential time mixing. In this connection there is the task of identifying areas of efficiency and opportunities the application of paddle mixer proposed design for the preparation of dry feed mixtures. Important manufacturing concentrate mixtures (compaund feeds, feed concentrates or forage medicinal mixtures) based on the purchase of BVD and your own forage. Purpose: the establishment of functional dependence between the technological parameters of the mixer (the proportion of the control component and the duration of mixing) and process performance (uneven mix and adjusted intensity of mixing taking into account the uniformity of the mixture); identifying rational values of technological parameters of the mixer, providing the desired quality mix and minimum energy intensity of mixing. It is provided the description and structural diagram mixer dry material batch. The technique is described and results of experimental studies of the mixer. It is presented the expressions describing the unevenness of the mix and the energy intensity of stirring, depending on the proportion of the control component and the duration of mixing; the required duration of mixing depending on the proportion of the control component. It is built two-dimensional section of the surface response in the studied parameters. Based on the analysis of the given graphs justifies the area efficiency of the mixer: the proportion of the control component is not less than 3%; when the portion of the control component 5% duration of mixing – 300 s, when the portion of the control component 10% the duration of the mixing – 200 s.

About the authors

Mariya Vladimirovna Fomina

Penza State Agrarian University


Vladimir Viktorovich Konovalov

Penza State Technological University


Vyacheslav Petrovich Teryushkov

Penza State Agrarian University


Aleksey Vladimirovich Chupshev

Penza State Agrarian University



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Copyright (c) 2017 Fomina M.V., Konovalov V.V., Teryushkov V.P., Chupshev A.V.

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