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The purpose of research is to increase in uniformity of seeds dispensing disk and bayonet sowing device due to justification of constructive and technological parameters of the activator of the seed material expiration from the bunker. In selection production where work is conducted with expensive, and at times and unique sowing material, the special importance is given to providing at crops of high uniformity of seeds placement. Now the problem of quality receiving crops at cultivation of cereal herbs which seeds belong to hardly loose isn't rather fully solved. The disk and bayonet sowing device in which the activator of the expiration of seed material from the bunker is used to improvement of seeds dispensing quality has been developed for seeds dispensing of meadow grass and fodder grass mix which part they are. The design novelty of the disk and bayonet sowing device with the activator is confirmed with the patent of the Russian Federation for useful model. For the purpose of optimum constructive determination and technological parameters of the disk and bayonet sowing device with the activator of the expiration the technique of assessment of quality of uniformity of longitudinal distribution of hardly loose seeds of cereal herbs and laboratory installation with the mobile horizontal cellular platform have been developed. Application of this way of conducting pilot studies considerably reduces time and labor costs for carrying out experiences, and also excludes damage of expensive sowing material. For complex assessment of constructive and technological parameters influence of the device for uniformity of seeding pilot studies with application of the multiple-factor planning theory as a result of which the mathematical model allowing to establish values of parameters of the activator consisting of two steps 7.0-7.1 mm high with the size of pins departure on 6.4 mm at which the best quality of seeds distribution of meadow grass along a row is reached has been received were conducted


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