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The purpose of research is productivity and yield quality of barley varieties improving in pure and mixed crops for forage by the application of growth regulators on ordinary Chernozem in conditions of forest-steppe of the Middle Volga region. The results of studies were in 2014-2015 by evaluation of the effectiveness of growth regulators: Avibif, Aminocat and Megamix N10. The yield of fodder mass in the variants was in the range of 1.16-2.31 t/ha on average for all variants of barley varieties of Helios yield in the control was of 1.63 t/ha, with the use of drugs...of 1.98 to 1.85 t/ha with varieties Vakula – of 1.74 and 1.99, the...of 2.06 t/ha, respectively. In the crops of local varieties of Berkut, in the control crop was higher and amounted to 1.84 t/ha, while application of growth regulators increased productivity by these crops less intensively to 1.93-1.97 t/ha. The output of exchange energy to be the best treatment options Aminocat (barley 75% + pea 50%) and slightly inferior to him the treatment options Megamix N10 (barley 100% + pea 25%), of 24.83-25.90 GJ/ha and 21.91-24.02 GJ/ha, respectively. Analysis of the output of the KPE showed that the best experience was the options of a mixture of peas with barley varieties of Helios – 2.73 thousand/ha, Vakula at 2.59, eagle – 2.55 thousand/ha. According to the research results, it was found that the maximum yield provide the crops treated with drugs and Avibif Megamix N10 in the embodiments, when seeding 100% barley and 25% of the full rate of peas, Aminocat – at sowing and 75% barley and 50% of full seeding rate of peas.


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Copyright (c) 2017 Vasin A.V., Vasina N.V., Trofimova E.O.

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