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The purpose of researches is isolation and selection of source material of flax and the best typical alife plants unable to further their involvement in the selection process. Linen oilseed is a valuable crops that are widely used in the industry. From it the oil and cheap vegetable protein for animal husbandry are made. Linseed contains up to 48% oil, which is used in the form of food and industrial raw materials for number of industries. Introduction of new varieties of flax, combining high productivity and drought resistance, is the main means of improving this crop yields. In the experiment on ecological strain testing it was studied 10 varieties of oil flax selection by All-Russia Research Institute of Oil Crops and Siberian Experimental Station of All-Russia Research Institute of Oil Crops. Standard is variety of Kustanaiskii yantar. The replication of experience fourfould, the method of comparison. The area of the plot – 40 m2. The seeding rate of 7 million seeds/ha. On average for the period 2009-2014 most were maturing varieties of flax Bizon, VNIIMK 620 – 76 days. The tallest are varieties Linol – 62 cm, Severnyi, Sokol – 60 cm. The optimal indexes on the structure of crop noted at sorts Severnyi (number of boxes on one plant – 45, number of seed in box – 9, mass of 1000 seed – 7.4 g) and the Legur (number of boxes on one plant – 54, number of seed in box – 8, mass of 1000 seed – 6.5 g). Highest productivity, higher standard, formed a varieties of oilseed flax Bison (yield – 16.8 c/ga, oil – 39.6%), Rucheek (yield – 14.2 c/ga, oil – 43.1%), Severnyi (yield – 14.0 c/ga, oil – 43.6%).

About the authors

Saniya Abil'taevna Tul´kubaeva

Samara State Agricultural Academy

кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук; соискатель кафедры; кафедра «Растениеводство и земледелие» The Russian Federation, Samara

Vasiliy Grigor'evich Vasin

Samara State Agricultural Academy

профессор; доктор сельскохозяйственных наук; зав. кафедрой; кафедра «Растениеводство и земледелие» The Russian Federation, Samara

Altynay Burkhatovna Abuova

Zhangir khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University

доцент; доктор сельскохозяйственных наук; член-корр. МААО; зав. кафедрой; кафедра «Технология переработки пищевых продуктов» Kazakhstan, Uralsk


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Copyright (c) 2016 Tul´kubaeva S.A., Vasin V.G., Abuova A.B.

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