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The purpose of research is to give an assessment to profitability of the beer dry pellet use in compound feeds for young goat stock. Scientific economic experiment has been made on young goats of Zaanen breed. Animals were divided into three groups, 6 heads in each. Compound feed of control group didn´t contain beer dry pellet (BDP), and the second experiment group feed contained 5.0% BDP (by weight), instead of oats and linen cake part parts, and the composition of compound feed for 3d group included 10.0% of BDP (by weight). During experiments it has been established that at experiment groups exchange processes proceeded more intensively. In blood serum of nanny-goats of experiment groups the content of the general protein exceeded control for 1.9-7.9%, the protein index (А\G coefficient), of animals 3d group was above control for 10.1%. Activity of ALT and AST aminotransfer which indicators were higher in experiment groups by comparison with the control also testifies to intensity of protein exchange. Fluctuations of biochemical indicators of blood were in limits of physiological norm, and, so introduction to a diet of these quantities of beer dry pellet had no negative impact for animals health. Feeding of the compound feed containing BDP reduces prime cost of 1 kg of gain in comparison with control by 2.6% in the 2nd experiment group and for 5.7% in the 3d experiment group. In 2nd and 3d groups, the level of profitability was 3.0-6.4 abs% higher than that in control respectively. Compound feeds cost for 2nd and 3d experiment groups was lower than the cost of compound feed of control group for 1.83% and 4.42% respectively. The experiments conducted give a chance to conclude that the use of BDP in compound feeds for young goat stocks has found to be profitable.

About the authors

Vladimir Stepanovich Zoteev

Samara State Agricultural Academy

профессор; доктор биологических наук; профессор; кафедра «Разведение и кормление сельскохозяйственных животных» The Russian Federation, Samara

Dar´ya Georgievna Zakharova

Samara State Agricultural Academy

аспирант ; аспирант; кафедра «Разведение и кормление сельскохозяйственных животных» The Russian Federation, Samara

Gennadiy Aleksandrovich Simonov

North-West Research Institute of Dairy and Grassland Agriculture

доктор сельскохозяйственных наук; главный научный сотрудник; The Russian Federation,


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Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 2016 Zoteev V.S., Zakharova D.G., Simonov G.A.

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