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The aim of the research is to improve the reproductive qualities of the Holstein cattle breed in conditions of industrial milk production technology due to its genetic improvement. The material for the studies was the Holstein cows belonging to different lines: the control group is the Reflection Sovering line, the experimental group is the Montvik Chiftane line. The following parameters were studied in the studied groups of animals: positivity of pregnancy, labor, involution of the uterus, sexual cycles, service period, manifestation of the first sexual cycle after childbirth, fertilization after calving. As a result of the studies, it was found that in the first-aiders belonging to the Reflection Sovering line, the length of labor was 0.6 hours shorter than that of the Montwich Cheftane line. The duration of separation of the afterbirth in the control group of animals is 1.0 hours more than in the experimental group. The duration of lokhy excretion in the control group of the heifers was 2.5 days more than in the experimental group, and the involution of the uterus in the control group of animals ended 2.2 days later than in the experimental group. The manifestation of the first sexual cycle after calving in the first-aiders of the experimental group is 3.6 days less than the animals in the control group. The interval between the sexual cycles in the animals of the experimental group was 2.3 days than in the control group. The duration of the service period in the control group of the heifers was 18.1 days longer than in the experimental group. Based on the studies conducted, it was found that the reproductive ability of cows depends on their linearity. The Montvik Chiftain lineage has the best values for the course of delivery, the postpartum period and the recovery of reproductive function after calving, compared to the peers of the Reflection Sovering line.


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Copyright (c) 2017 Baymishev K.B., Uskova I.V., Kitaeva S.A.

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