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The purpose of research is improvement of laying hens osteoporosis, and use of various drugs with the justification of their effectiveness. As a result of poultry clinical inspection osteoporosis was found expressed violation of phos-phoric-calcium metabolism, is one of the main causes of manifestation of what hens begin to «take legs», unable to move about in the cage, or eat food and drink water. By selecting and pulling the sick hens from the cage in the vast majority occurs fracture of the tubular bones of the hind legs and wings. When you need the slaughtering of laying hens in sanitary slaughterhouse after separation of the pen in the barrel and have chicken carcasses crashed all the cartilage, bones, and carcasses of chickens are rejected. For poultry, unlike others ones the high degree of intensity of mineral metabolism, including calcium and phosphorus. A test of different premixes Paltry mineral blend for laying hens, the company MIAVIT GmbH/Germany (by mixing with feed 500-1000 g per 1 ton of feed) with the purpose of implementation of prevention showed the lack of effectiveness. The use of the drug LiquiFos Strong by company Biochem Zusatzstoffe/Germany method of feeding in production environment experienced for poultry in the dose of 2 l per tonn of water per week contributed to the demise, and in the control group, on the contrary the extension of this pathology. LiquiFos Strong improves digestibility, absorption, and digestibility of nutrients in bones of laying hens. LiquiFos Strong applied to laying hens LLP agro-firm «AKAS» in West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan to improve the status of birds at the sudden imbalance of calcium-phosphorus metabolism.

About the authors

Eris Rakhimgalievich Nuraliev

LLP Agrofirm "AKAS"

Email: Nuraliev-71@mail.ru

Ivan Ivanovich Kochish

Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named K.I. Skryabin

Email: prorector@mgavm.ru


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Copyright (c) 2017 Nuraliev E.R., Kochish I.I.

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