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The purpose of the study is the expansion of technological capabilities in the field of immunological research in beekeeping. Research methodology is a determination of the activity of acid phosphatase in the homogenate of organs and tissues of bees, including the preparation of the biological substrate, the processing buffer-tion mixture with a pH equal to 5.0, incubation of the biological substrate, rinsing with distilled water, driing, additional staining smears of the biological substrate, then rinsing with distilled water, drying and determining the number of stained granules in the cytoplasm in a biological substrate of the percentage of the enzyme activity of acid phosphatase, microscopy and the determination of the color granules degree in the cytoplasm of platanitos in the homogenate of organs and tissues. As a biological substrate was used homogenate of organs and tissues of the bees. For the research set up 4 groups of bees of different breeds (Italian-Carpathian, Carpathian, Oka, grey mountain Caucasian) that were subjected to the chickpeas research on the above methodology. This method allowed us to determine the microbial properties of the body the bees, namely, the activity of acid phosphatase, which smears the homogenate of organs and tissues is one of the important diagnostic tests immunity of organism of bees. It was found that the higher the average cytochemical index, the higher the enzyme activity of acid phosphatase in the organs and tissues of bees, and consequently, the higher the immune status of the bee. It was higher in group 1 bees, Italian-Carpathian breed. The proposed method allows to reduce the material costs and time for determination of the studied indicator. This technique allows rapid method to determine the microbicidal properties of the organism of bees by determining the activity of acid phosphatase in platocytos in the homogenate of organs and tissues.


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