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The aim of research is feed additive use efficiency raising of the protected from decay in ruminal lysine LiziperlTM in feeding of highly productive cows calved for balancing rations in the level of lysine. In the experiment three groups of 13 animals studied the influence of feeding protected lysine toyoung female with a yield of 7.500 kg of milk per year from 11 to 100 days of lactation, at 40 and 80 g/head/day, for diet of feed intake, milk production level and quality characteristics of milk, for the biochemical status of blood and indicators of economic efficiency of milk production. As a result of balancing diet feeding cows experimental groups by the level of lysine, increased milk yield of standard (of 4%) of fat per 100 days of lactation was 5.0 and 8.4% (Р≤0.05), with an increase in output of milk fat and protein. Feed consumption per 1 kg of milk expressed metabolizable energy were lower than controls at 3.5-6.6%. Based on the results of biochemical studies in the blood test group II cows installed upward trend in the total protein level and the amount of free amino acids, as well as the activity of ALT, with a significant increase in the concentration of free lysine of 20.7%. Calculations of economic efficiency have shown that the use of the protected lysine LiziperlTM feeding calved dairy cows, in the amount of 40 and 80 g/head/day, significantly increases the cost of the unit cost of dairy products in the first 100 days of lactation in obtaining additional income from the sale of milk in the amount of 3.6-4.2%.

About the authors

Aleksandr Vital'evich Golovin

The All-Russia Research Institute for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member L.K. Ernst

Email: alexgol2010@mail.ru
профессор; доктор биологических наук; руководитель; лаборатория кормления и физиологии пищеварения с.-х. животных The Russian Federation, Podolsk district, village of Dubrovytsia


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