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The purpose of research is improvement of clinical and physiological state of the organism breeding boars and prevention of iodine deficiency by introducing a basic diet of organic form bioiodine – feed additive «Prost». Production experience on breeding boars Landrace breed – research was conducted. By the principle of analogues, two boars group was formed. The animals were kept under identical conditions. All boars producers received the same feed SC-2 with the same content of metabolizable energy. Diet contain in its composition: 45% barley, 30% wheat; 5% corn; 20% of bvmd. Boars-producers of the control group fed a basic diet (RR) without additives, which conforms to the standards VIZH for this age group. The animal feed of the experimental group were injected with 200 mg per head per day of the feed additive «Prost». Blood for morfogematological studies were taken from the jugular vein at the same time, the chime before feeding. The scientific-production experiment studied the effect of the feed additive «simple» biochemical and morphological parameters of blood boars. As a result of studies, it was found that the inclusion in the diet of the treated group fodder additive, organic iodine content of globulins in the serum of experimental animals was by 5.1% higher than the control group, total protein 7.6%, respectively. The number of red blood cells in the animals in the group with the addition of a «simple» for the test period was higher by 22.1%, 22.1% of red blood cells, hematocrit 17.1%, compared to the control. The study of the white blood boars – when fed feed manufacturers «just» supplements in the experimental animals was observed decrease in the total number of leukocytes by 5.8%, which contributed to the increase of protective and adaptive reactions and reduced antigenic, toxicological stress for the body, the iodine content to an increase in whole blood by 43.8 and 246.3% for the bristles, thyroxine T4 6.5% compared with the control group.

About the authors

Lyudmila Anatol'evna Nikanova

The All-Russia Research Institute for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member L.K. Ernst

доктор биологических наук; главный научный сотрудник; группа по изучению качества кормов и продукции The Russian Federation, Podolsk district, village of Dubrovytsia

Yuriy Pavlovich Fomichev

The All-Russia Research Institute for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member L.K. Ernst

профессор; доктор биологических наук; зав. лаборатории; химико-аналитическая лаборатория The Russian Federation, Podolsk district, village of Dubrovytsia

Vasiliy Petrovich Nadeev

Volga State machine-zonal station "Volga IIA"

доктор биологических наук; зав. лаборатории; лаборатория по испытанию машин для животноводства и переработки с-х продукции The Russian Federation, settlement Ust’-Kinelskiy

Milana Imrainovna Gromova

Samara State Agricultural Academy

аспирант ; аспирант; кафедра «Биоэкология и физиология сельскохозяйственных животных» The Russian Federation, Samara


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Copyright (c) 2016 Nikanova L.A., Fomichev Y.P., Nadeev V.P., Gromova M.I.

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