Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy

The Journal is peer review scientific periodical, has being published since 2006.
  • Samara State Agrarian University


  • Mashkov Sergey V. – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Rector of Samara State Agrarian University.
  • Russian Science Citation Index
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The journal is intended for Researchers, Managers, Directors, Teachers, graduate students and undergraduates of universities, contributes to the improvement of training and certification, strengthening of scientific and pedagogical staff.

The journal aims are to coverage and disseminate latest achievements of science and technology in the field of agriculture. The journal presents publications of the main research results of the representatives of the teaching staff, postgraduates and undergraduates of agricultural and other universities, scientific organizations of the Russian Federation.

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Vol 9, No 3 (2024)

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Harmful organisms of cabbage and spring rapeseed in the conditions of the southern Urals and measures to combat them
Porsev I.N., Nemirova N.A., Kokorina A.K.

The purpose of the research was to study the prevalence and harmfulness of common pests of spring rape and cabbage, including cabbage moth (Plutella xylostella) and the development of control measures in the conditions of the Southern Urals. The objects of research were varieties and hybrids of spring rapeseed and cabbage, harmful organisms and plant protection products. It was found out that more than 30 species and groups of harmful organisms cause some kind of damage to spring rapeseed and cabbage. The best results for the protection of spring rapeseed Flagship variety were obtained when treated with insecticides from pests, including cabbage moths according to the scheme: 1st treatment phase 3-4 real leaves, Tsepellin, CE – 0.15 l/ha + Dexter, CS – 0.3 l/ha at a working solution consumption of 200 l/ha; 2-treatment: phase – end of flowering, Rogor-C, CE – 1.0 l / ha + Tsepellin, CE – 0.15 l/ha + Bit 90, W – 0.2 l/ha, at the flow rate of the working solution – 300 l/ha. The biological efficiency against cabbage moth caterpillars was 97.4% with the highest yield in the experiment of 2.18 t/ha. The use of insecticides in different phases of growth and development of cabbage has allowed to preserve the harvest and provide an increase in yield. In the control (without treatments), the average yield for three years for the Gift variety was 12.5 t/ha, for the Favorite F1 hybrid – 14.9 t/ha. The use of protection scheme No. 1 on the Gift variety allowed to obtain a yield of 32.6 t/ha, on the Favorite F1 hybrid – 49.9 t/ ha, and schemes No. 2 – 31.6 t/ha Gift and 47.0 t / ha – Favorite F1.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2024;9(3):3-9
pages 3-9 views
Influence of foliar fertilizing on yield and grain quality of emmer wheat in the conditions of the Pre-kama region of the Republic of Tatarstan
Semenov P.G., Amirov M.F.

The purpose of the study is to assess the effect of foliar fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers on the productivity of emmer wheat. Field experiments were conducted in 2021-2023 on gray forest soils of Agrobiotechnopark LLC at the Kazan State Agrarian University. Agrochemical indicators of the site: humus content of 3.6%, mobile phosphorus according to Kirsanov in the modification of TSINAO 262 mg / kg, exchangeable potassium 125-185 mg/kg, soil acidity – 6.2 pH. The doses of mineral fertilizers were determined by the calculation and balance method to obtain 3 tons / ha of grain, which amounted to N35P23K5. Against the fertilizer background designed to yield 3 t/ha over the years of research, the yield increase according to the k-10456 sample was 0.35 t /ha, according to the Fleece variety 0.1 t /ha. The use of the fertilizer background and one foliar fertilizing N15 in the tube exit phase gave an increase of 0.53 t/ha for the k-10456 sample, and 0.1 t/ha for the Fleece variety. Two foliar fertilizing according to N7,5 in the phase of entering the tube and earing provided an increase of 0.67 t/ha according to the k-10456 sample, and 0.07 t/ha according to the Fleece variety. The background of mineral nutrition and foliar fertilizing contributed to the formation of a larger grain, compared with the control of emmer wheat, and also did not allow a large decrease in the mass fraction of protein in the grain.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2024;9(3):10-18
pages 10-18 views
Stimulating effect of biologically active substances on the initial growth processes of spring wheat
Bakaeva N.P., Saltykova O.L., Rakov S.R.

The results of determining the values of germination energy, germination, linear growth, weight of parts, sugar content in spring wheat plants in the phenological phase of the third leaf are presented. Compared with the option without fertilizers, all the preparations used had a positive effect on the germination energy of spring wheat seeds – by 4.2 % mineral fertilizers and potassium humate, by 5.6% albite, the greatest effect was exerted by the use of aminocate – by 8.3 %. The germination of spring wheat seeds in all variants of the experiment was high and reached a maximum value of 100%. The efficiency indices (leff ℓ) and (leff m) of the use of fertilizers, biologically active substances and potassium humate for linear growth of spring wheat plants is a dimensionless value, differences in options relative to the option without fertilizers amounted to more than 7...15% for mineral fertilizers, 13...18% for albite and potassium humate, the highest efficiency was It is determined in the variant from the introduction of aminocate by 20 ... 26%. The differences regarding the variant of the lowest concentration of this fertilizer amounted to 10...12% for albite, 6...9% for potassium humate, the highest efficiency was determined for aminocate – 20...33%, respectively. A low variation in signs of germination energy, grain germination, linear growth, plant weight and sugar content was found, the coefficients of variation are from 4% to 9%. The average variation of the signs is established for the indicators plant height and plant weight, the coefficients are from 11% to 14%. The linear regression of the indices of linear growth efficiency (lff ℓ) and plant mass (lff m) to the variable germination energy (%) increases and is a positive value. The coefficient of determination R2 (the square of the correlation coefficient) is close to one.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2024;9(3):19-28
pages 19-28 views
The effect of fertilizers and pre-sowing treatment of seeds and crops on the photosynthetic activity of spring wheat crops in the conditions of the Kama region of the Republic of Tatarstan
Amirov M.F., Safiullin A.Y.

The research was carried out in order to study the peculiarities of the effect of mineral fertilizers and concentrated organomineral complex liquid fertilizers on the photosynthetic activity of spring soft wheat crops of the Ulyanovsk 105 variety. The work was carried out in 2021-2023 in the Kama region of the Republic of Tatarstan. The soil of the experimental site is light gray forest, medium loamy. Agrochemical indicators: the content of humus according to Tyurin was 1.9%, mobile phosphorus and potassium according to Kirsanov in the modification of TSINAO – 145 mg/kg and 127 mg/kg, respectively, soil acidity – 6.4 pH. The doses of mineral fertilizers were determined by the calculation and balance method for grain yield of 3 t/ha, which amounted to N106P27K41. In addition to mineral fertilizers, the effect of concentrated organomineral complex liquid fertilizers Batr Gum, Batr MaX produced by Service Agro was evaluated. The use of calculated doses of mineral fertilizers significantly increased the leaf surface area compared to the control. The maximum leaf surface area over an average of three years was observed in the earing phase and reached in the NPK variant for 3 t/ha of grain + Batr (0.5 l/t +1 l/ha +1 l/ha) - 34.06 thousand m2/ha. The highest value of the LFP for the growing season of spring wheat in 2023 was obtained when applying mineral fertilizers and using Batr Gum, Batr MaX – 1491 thousand m2 / day per 1 hectare. The indicator of the net productivity of photosynthesis is very dynamic. It depends on both the environmental conditions and the condition of the plants themselves, primarily on the assimilation work of the leaves and their surface area. When NPK was applied in order to obtain 3 tons/ha of grain, the leaf area increased, and the weighted average for the vegetation of the NPF decreased by 0.8...0.4 g/m2 per day over the years of research. The highest increase in the yield of spring wheat of the Ulyanovsk 105 variety on average for 2021-2023 was with the use of mineral fertilizers, Batr Gum and Batr MaX preparations amounting to 1.39 t/ha.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2024;9(3):29-38
pages 29-38 views
The effect of organomineral fertilizer on the yield and quality of potato tubers in the non-chernozem zone
Pityurina I.S., Vinogradov D.V.

The article presents data on the study of the effect of organomineral fertilizers on the yield of food potatoes in the conditions of the Non-Chernozem zone of the Ryazan region. The research was carried out on food potatoes of the Vimpel variety in the conditions of the Agrotechnopark Unit of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Ryazan Region, in 2021-2023. According to the research results, it was established that the introduction of an organomineral fertilizer into the soil based on a spent mushroom compound stimulated the plastic and energy metabolism of plants, growth processes; It contributed to the acceleration of the pace of development during the entire growing season of the studied crop, as a result, created prerequisites for increasing potato yields. The use of compost in potato growing had an impact on biometric indicators, crop structure and crop productivity. At the same time, fertilization did not affect the germination of potatoes and the rate of onset of phenological phases of development. On average, full potato shoots on all variants of the experiment appeared on the twentieth day after planting and were quite friendly. With the use of mushroom compost, the potato yield varied from 270.8 to 287.1 c/ha. Its maximum increase was obtained in the variant with the addition of fresh mushroom compost: +37.3 c/ha. The marketability of potato tubers when applying rotted compost was 84.8%, when applying fresh compost – 89.6%. The optimal ratio of protein and starch is observed in tubers with options with the addition of fresh compost – 1:11 and rotted – 1:12, which indicates high culinary qualities. The use of organomineral fertilizer in potato cultivation had a positive effect on the vitamin C content in the direction of an increase to 3.38%. It was found that when using an organomineral fertilizer based on a spent substrate of champignons, an increase in marketability, yield and quality of potatoes of the Vimpel variety is observed.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2024;9(3):39-45
pages 39-45 views
Bioenergetic and economic efficiency of winter and spring wheat cultivation in the conditions of the Orenburg Urals
Episheva Y.Y., Yartsev G.F., Baikasenov R.K.

The purpose of the research is to identify the best options for bioenergy and economic efficiency of cultivating winter and spring wheat. Efficiency problem is the most important one in economics. Economic activity at both the macro and micro levels requires constant comparison of results and costs, and determination of the most effective course of action. In general, efficiency means carrying out a process with minimal costs, effort and losses. Economic efficiency is an indicator determined by the ratio of the economic effect and the costs that generated this effect. In other words, the smaller the cost and the larger the result of economic activity, the higher the efficiency. The main indicators of the economic efficiency of agricultural production are net income, profitability level, and cost. The objective of the research is to determine the bioenergy and economic efficiency of wheat cultivation. The research was carried out in 2017-2019. on the training and experimental field of the Orenburg State Agrarian University, on southern chernozems. The experimental scheme included: winter wheat variety Pionerskaya 32 (T.aestivum), spring wheat variety South-Eastern - 2 (T.aestivum), foliar fertilizing with the studied preparations during the heading phase: Carb-N-Humik (2 l/ha) ; Carb-N-Humik (2 l/ha) + Albit (40 g/ha); Carb-N-Humik (2 l/ha) + Albit (40 g/ha) + Amino Zn (0.5 l/ha). Agricultural technology corresponded to the zonal one. Mathematical processing of experimental and statistical data was carried out using standard methods of correlation analysis in Microsoft Office Excel. The highest energy and economic efficiency in terms of development forms was observed in winter wheat. Its highest value of 3.10 in winter wheat was noted on the Carb-N-Humik option (2 l/ha), and in spring wheat with a value of 1.66 on the Carb-N-Humik option (2 l/ha) + Albit (40 g/ha) + Amino Zn (0.5 l/ha). Among the tested fertilizers, the most cost-effective for winter wheat was the Carb-N-Humik option (2 l/ha), where the profitability level was 291.2%, while for spring wheat the Carb-N-Humik option (2 l/ha )+Albit (40 g/ha) with a profitability level of 88.9%.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2024;9(3):46-50
pages 46-50 views


Results of laboratory and field studies of a modular trailer cultivator KMP-14 with a rotary harrow
Mashkov S., Ishkin P.A., Avdeev D.A.

The purpose of the research is to experimentally determine the agrotechnical and energy parameters of an experimental rotary harrow as part of a modular trailed cultivator KMP–14 for fallow tillage and to confirm the compliance of the unit as a whole with the traction and power characteristics of tractors of traction class 5. The article presents a new rotary harrow for the modular trailed cultivator KPM-14 manufactured by Volgaagromash LLC to improve the quality of continuous pre-sowing and fallow tillage. The results of laboratory and field studies are presented, including agrotechnical and energy assessments of the work of the KMP-14 modular trailed cultivator with a rotary harrow on fallow tillage in an aggregate with a K-744R1 tractor. The results of laboratory and field studies confirmed the improvement in the quality of soil cultivation. Retrofitting the cultivator of the modular trailed KMP-14 with a rotary harrow increases the quality of crumbling of the treated soil layer by 88,6-93,5%, and reduces the number of large lumps of soil (over 50 mm) by more than 40%. The ridges of the soil surface also decrease by more than 20%. According to energy indicators, the modular trailer cultivator KMP-14, equipped with a rotary harrow, corresponds to the traction and power tractors characteristics of traction class 5 and ensures the performance of the technological process of fallow tillage at speed up to 11.8 km/h with an acceptable level of slipping.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2024;9(3):51-59
pages 51-59 views
To the justification of the direction for improving the design of a bulk material belt dispenser
Popkov A.A., Konovalov V.V., Zaitsev V.Y., Dontsova M.V.

The purpose of the research is to reduce the dosing error of belt dispensers of bulk materials. The theoretical research methodology involved studying, using numerical methods, the pattern of changes in the dosing error when varying the design parameters of the dispenser and the indicators of its operating process. The preparation of composites and mixtures requires ensuring proportions between their components. Violation of proportions causes a change in the properties of the composite and/or a decrease in the quality of the mixture. The most accurate way to maintain the weight of a portion of components is with batch scale batchers. However, in this case, the energy costs for distributing the components throughout the entire volume of the prepared mixture are high. Continuous weight dosing allows you to reduce the energy consumption of mixture formation through the use of continuous mixers. The use of continuous weighing feeders requires a set of measures to improve their accuracy of adjustment to a given performance. Increasing the dosing accuracy in the event of dispenser setting errors requires improving the design of continuous belt-type dispensers in the direction of increasing the speed of the belt and compacting the material in the dosing zone. Increasing the active area of the unloading opening contributes to the possibility of increasing the speed of the belt. An increase in the height of the dosed layer on the tape helps to reduce the dosing error. When the ratio of the opening width to its height is 4, the performance error is 0.2 (20%) when adjusting the performance by window height with an error of 1 mm; with the specified ratio equal to 1, the performance error is 0.1; with the specified ratio equal to 0.5, the performance error is 0.05. Additional active working elements in the dosing zone will allow you to increase the height of the dosed layer of material.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2024;9(3):60-69
pages 60-69 views


Milk productivity and reproductive ability of Holstein heifers depending on live weight at first insemination
Baimishev K.B., Baimishev M.K., Baimishev R.K.

The purpose of the research is to substantiate the age and live weight of Holstein heifers at the first artificial insemination. Experimental studies were conducted on inseminated heifers at the age of 13 months with different live weight, from which 3 groups of animals of 10 heads each were formed, taking into account live weight. The first group of animals with a live weight at the first insemination of 360 kg, the 2nd group – 380 kg, the 3rd group – 400 kg. Using the methods of timing and visual observation, the following indicators were studied in the studied groups of heifers: pregnancy, the course of childbirth and the postpartum period, restoration of reproductive function after calving, milk productivity and milk quality indicators. Based on the conducted studies, it was found that the live weight of heifers and age at the first insemination have a significant impact on their reproductive ability, as well as on the reproductive function of the first heifers and, subsequently, on the level of milk productivity and milk quality indicators. The optimal live weight during the first insemination of Holstein heifers is a live weight of 380 kg, which provides an increase in fertilization by 10%, reduces the age of the first calving, the period of fruitful insemination by 3-7 days, increases the level of milk productivity by 2.3% and does not reduce the quality of milk.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2024;9(3):70-75
pages 70-75 views
Digestibility and use of nutrients in young cattle when feeding sapropel-mineral additive
Grigorev M.F.

The purpose of the research is to analyze the metabolism of farmed young cattle of the Simmental breed against the background of feeding sapropel, a mineral supplement. The experiment is organized on farmed young cattle of the Simmental breed in the conditions of the Lonkur farm. The study of the digestibility of nutrients and the analysis of the efficiency of the use of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus were carried out in accordance with the generally accepted methods of M.F. Tomme (1969) and A.I. Ovsyannikova (1976). The conditions of cultivation and maintenance of experimental animals in the experiment were the same and corresponded to the requirements of zootechnical research. During the experiments, it was found that animals from the second and third experimental groups receiving a sapropel mineral supplement in different norms surpassed the first control group in all coefficients of digestibility of the main nutrients of the diet. The coefficients of assimilation of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus of the experimental groups exceed the indicators of the control group (without additives): the efficiency of using feed nitrogen from incoming by 0.23 and 0.30%, and from digested nitrogen by 0.43 and 0.75%. At the same time, the efficiency of calcium use increased by 5.24 and 6.83%, and phosphorus by 10.08 and 14.76% (P>0.95). Thus, it was found that the inclusion of a sapropel mineral supplement has a positive effect on the digestibility of basic nutrients, while improving mineral metabolism in the body, which shows the prospects of using this additive in feeding cattle of the Simmental breed in Yakutia.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2024;9(3):76-81
pages 76-81 views
Meat productivity of crossbred young animals obtained from Belgian blue and Hereford bulls
Khakimov I.N., Vlasova N.I., Mudarisov R.M.

The purpose of the research is to increase the meat productivity of young cattle and the efficiency of beef production by using the high potential of meat qualities of specialized meat breeds when crossed with cows of the combined direction of productivity. In our studies, we analyze the results of crossing Simmental cows with Hereford and Belgian Blue bulls in a comparative aspect with purebred young Simmental breeds. Data on meat qualities after control slaughter of young animals of different origins and the yield of individual cuts of bull carcasses at the age of 18 months are given. Interbreed crossing had a positive effect on the development of meat qualities of crossbred young animals. The carcass weight of the Belgian Blue cross breed was 15.3%, more than the carcass weight of the Simmental bulls and 8.0% more than that of the Hereford bull crossbreed. The superiority of crossbred bulls from Hereford bulls over purebred peers in this indicator was 6.8%. The highest carcass yield was found in half-breeds of the Belgian blue breed - 60.3%, which is 2.8% more than in group 5. Half-blooded animals with Hereford blood had a carcass yield of 1.7% more than purebred Simmentals. The carcasses of bulls of all studied groups were distinguished by good development of muscle and adipose tissue. Crossbred descendants of the Belgian Blue and Hereford bulls had the highest weight and higher yield of the most valuable cuts of the carcass: dorsal-thoracic and hip, in comparison with bulls of the Simmental breed. Purebred bulls of the Simmental breed had more output of the scapulohumeral and lumbar parts.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2024;9(3):82-89
pages 82-89 views
Black-mottled breed: yesterday, today, tomorrow
Grashin A.A., Tulinova O.V., Grashin V.A.

The purpose of the research is to study and systematize the changes in the breeding of the black-and-white breed in the Russian Federation before the beginning of the breed inventory of livestock and at the present time. According to the 2022 certification, black-and-white cows are bred in 191 breeding farms in 41 regions of the Russian Federation. The relative number of black-and-white breeds in 2022 was 25.25% of the total number of dairy and dairy cattle, which is 25.76% less than in 2018 (51.01%). In 2022, the number of black-and-white cows in breeding plants decreased by 77.4% compared to the level of 2018, and in breeding reproducers by 58.8%. More than 97% of cows, both in PP and in PR, are attributed to Holstein lines, most of which belong to the Vis Back Industrial 1013415 line (42.342% in PP and 44.239% in PR) and Reflection Sovering 198998 (44.779% in PP and 42.017% in PR). Milk yield for the highest lactation on average in the lines of the Holstein breed is 7994 kg of milk. Among the lines of the black-and-white breed, the average milk yield of cows at the highest lactation was 7306 kg, which is 688 kg less than the descendants of the Holstein lines. The descendants of Holstein lines have a calving age of 2.41, and the average highest lactation is 1.80, and for black-and-white lines it is 3.05 calving and 2.23 lactation, respectively. The analysis showed that out of 156 breeding bulls from 19 breeding enterprises with sperm production from age-related bulls (10 years and older) - 119 heads (76.3%). However, only 40 of them were evaluated for the quality of offspring, of which 5 bulls aged 10-15 years have an average breeding value of +139 kg of milk, and the daughters of older producers average +321 kg of milk.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2024;9(3):90-100
pages 90-100 views
The effect of bacillus amyloliquefaciens on the body of goats
Molyanova G.V., Ermakov V.V., Stmkina O.V., Vinokurova A.P.

The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of administering a probiotic based on B. amyloliquefaciens on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and the productivity of young goats. The probiotic Bacillus amyloliquefaciens VKPM B-11475 at a dose of 4×109 and 4×107 CFU, produced in the research laboratory of the Peasant (Farmer) Farm «Evgeniy Pavlovich Tsirulev», was administered in freeze-dried form to two-month-old goats every day for a month. The animals' bodies developed stably and the studied vital parameters were within physiologically determined limits. Adding the probiotic Bacillus amyloliquefaciens to the main diet made it possible to activate metabolic reactions in the body due to the vital activity of beneficial microflora. The use of a probiotic in animals led to a more rapid restoration of vital microflora, which ensured the leveling of the effect and displacement of pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli from the animal’s body. The administration of a probiotic leads to an increase in the adaptive and productive indicators of small cattle.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2024;9(3):101-107
pages 101-107 views
The influence of coniferous-mineral additives on the milk productivity of first-calf heifers under conditions of Yakutia
Grigoreva A.I., Babukhadia K.R., Burmaga A.V., Kurkov Y.B., Perepelkina L.I.

The purpose of the work is to study the complex effect of coniferous-mineral additives on the digestibility of nutrients and milk productivity of first-calf heifers of the Simmental breed in the conditions of Yakutia. The study was carried out according to generally zootechnics methods: selection and experimentation, physiological experiment, analysis of milk productivity. The inclusion of coniferous-mineral additives it possible to increase the milk productivity of experimental animals by 6.35 and 8.31%, respectively (P>0.999). At the end of the scientific experiment, milk yield in the experimental groups was higher by 58.2 and 75.0 kg (or 6.44 and 8.30%). At the same time, in the milk of the experimental groups the content of the proportion of milk fat increased by 0.08 and 0.10%, as well as the content of the proportion of milk protein by 0.05 and 0.08% relative to the control group. Changes caused by the inclusion of experimental feed additives in the diets of first-calf heifers were reflected in the indicators of nutrient digestibility, where in the second and third experimental groups there was an increase in dry matter digestibility by 2.29% (P>0.95) and 2.94% (P>0 .99), organic matter by 1.36 and 2.83% (P>0.95), crude protein by 2.03 and 2.94% (P>0.95), crude fat by 2.47 and 3 .12% (P>0.95), crude fiber by 0.43 and 3.81% (P>0.95), nitrogen-free extractives by 0.53 and 1.44% (P>0.99), respectively compared to the first control group. Thus, the complex use of local non-traditional feed additives helps to increase the degree of digestibility of nutrients and increases the milk productivity of animals in the conditions of Yakutia.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2024;9(3):108-114
pages 108-114 views
Influence of Forvet on the relative increase of weight and length of embryos broilers cross ROSS-308
Selezneva E.S., Zdorovinin V.A.

The purpose of the study was to study the effect of the immunomodulator Forvet on the relative increase in the weight and length of the broiler cross Ross -308 embryo. The article presents the results of the effectiveness of pre-incubation treatment of eggs with 1% and 2% Forvet solutions. The experiment was carried out on the basis of a peasant farm in the Bessonovsky district of the Penza region. The experiment was based on three batches of hatching eggs of the ROSS-308 cross (I experimental, II experimental, control) of 30 pieces each, using the principle of analogues. The first experimental batch was treated with a 1% Forvet solution before being placed in the incubator, the second experimental batch was treated with a 2% solution and the control batch was not treated. For research, 5 eggs were selected from each group at 10, 12, 15, 17, 19 and 21 days of age. Selection was carried out at the same time. Embryos were weighed on laboratory scales AND DL-2000. As a result of the experiment, it was found that the greatest relative weight gain of broiler cross ROSS-308 embryos was achieved in the second experimental group – 33.3%, compared to the control, where the relative gain was 27.35%. In the first experimental group, on day 17, the embryos weighed 2.18 g less than their peers from the second experimental group, and the difference in relative growth was 3.07%. Analyzing the dynamics of the relative increase in embryo length, it was found that, with an increase in the incubation period, this indicator decreased in the 1st experimental group by three times from 31.5 to 10.47%, in the 2nd experimental group by 3.4 times from 25.91 to 7.62% and in the control group 2.61 times.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2024;9(3):115-121
pages 115-121 views

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