Vol 8, No 1 (2023)

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Influence of seeding rate and mineral fertilizers on harvest formation of var-ious oat varieties

Savachaev A.V., Vasin V.G., Zakharova O.A.


The purpose of the research is to increase the yield of naked oats for the conditions of the forest–steppe of the Middle Volga region. Since ancient times, oats have served not only as a fodder crop for raising animals, but also as an integral part of human food and medicine. Filmy oats are more often used for sowing, they are unpretentious and often yield a significant harvest. Naked oats have a number of advantages over filmy ones. They are less polluted with mycotoxins and are resistant to grain shedding, they have a higher grain nature and quality, since they contain more protein, oil and starch, so they are preferable for use for food purposes. The Middle Volga region in soil and climatic terms has a number of features that largely determine the direction and level of agricultural production, therefore weather conditions significantly affect the formation of high crop productivity. The research revealed that the yield of oat varieties increases significantly with the use of mineral fertilizers by 72% on average for varieties and seeding rates. When applying mineral fertilizers N30P30K30 filmy varieties (Trotter, Gait) provide a yield of 2.71...2.82 t/ha, naked varieties (Snipe, Vyatka, Tyumen naked) – 2.45...2.68 t/ha. The best yield indicator among naked varieties of oats is provided by the Tyumen naked variety – 1.45 t/ha on control and 2.65 t/ha when applying fertilizers N30P30K30. The yield of oat varieties increases with the increase in the seeding rate to 5.0 million germinating seeds/ha, then the growth stops and is approximately in the same values with a seeding rate of 5.5 million germinating seeds/ha.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(1):3-8
pages 3-8 views

The effectiveness of the growth regulator in the production technology of peas and soybeans

Evsenina M.V., Vinogradov D.V.


The aim of the research is to increase the yield of soybeans and peas by using the growth regulator heteroauxin in the conditions of the Ryazan region. The experience was laid in 4-fold repetition. The yield of peas and soybeans was studied depending on the use of a plant growth regulator – heteroauxin. The seed material is soy of the Maxus variety and peas of the Rocket variety. In the course of the research, field germination, plant density, yield and crop structure were studied. Observations, records and analyses were carried out according to generally accepted methods. It has been established that heteroauxin has a more pronounced effect on the number of soybean plants that survive harvesting during spraying in/ the budding phase. The survival rate of soybeans increases with late processing in the bean formation phase by 4.2%. The use of heteroauxin in the filling phase of beans leads to an increase in their quantity by 42.9-98.4%. Treatment with heteroauxin in the budding phase contributed to an increase in the number of seeds in the bean by 2.7-11.6%. The positive effect of the growth regulator on the formation of lateral shoots on soybean plants in all variants of the experiment was established – 1.7-2.5 pcs./plant (1,4-1,8 pcs./plant in control). The plants of the experimental variants were higher than the control ones by 0.9-6.7 cm. The highest yield of seeds from one plant was obtained when treated with heteroauxin in the budding phase – 6.70-6.72 g, which is 12.6-12.9% higher than in the control.  Treatment with a growth regulator with a concentration of 50 mg/l in the budding phase and in the bean formation phase had an effect on the weight of 1000 seeds. This indicator was 155.6-156.5 g. The greatest increase in  soybean yield was obtained when crops were treated with heteroauxin concentration of 50 mg/l in the budding phase – 10.3%. Treatment of pea crops with heteroauxin in the budding phase led to an increase in pea yield by 4.6-8.4%. The use of the heteroauxin growth regulator on soybean and pea crops contributes to an increase in crop yields.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(1):9-15
pages 9-15 views

The effect of seed protectants on the yield of spring wheat in the steppe zone of the Orenburg Cis-urals region

Kuteeva A.A., Yartsev G.F.


The purpose of the research is to increase the yield of spring wheat grain. In spring wheat crops in traditional areas of its cultivation, many diseases annually reduce the yield. The scientific search for ways to protect against diseases is of high relevance for ensuring Russia's food independence and realizing its export potential.  The objective of the research is to evaluate the increase in grain yield of various varieties of spring wheat and to identify the most effective preparations for pre-sowing seed treatment. The studies were conducted in 2015-2018 on the educational and experimental field of the Orenburg State Agrarian University, on the chernozems of southern medium-sized heavy loamy soils.  The scheme of the experiment included following varieties: Orenburg 10 (hard), South-Eastern 2 (soft), L-503 (soft) and seed protectants: Scenic Combi (1.5 l/t), TMTD+ (2.5 l/t), Turion (0.35 l/t), Raxil Ultra (0.25 l/t) and Phytosporin M (1.0 l/t). The agricultural equipment corresponded to the zonal one. Mathematical processing of experimental and statistical data was carried out by standard methods of correlation analysis in Microsoft Office Excel. The highest grain yield was noted in wheat crops of South-Eastern 2 (1.03 t/ha), exceeding the yield of varieties L-503 (0.91 t/ha) and Orenburg 10 (0.80 t/ha) by 0.12 and 0.23 t/ha (by 13.2 and 28.7%). The wheat variety South-East 2 turned out to be the most responsive to the use of seed protectants. The average increase in yield was 0.15 t/ha or 17.4%, which is 0.04 and 0.05 t/ha (3.3 and 4.8 percentage points) more than when using the same drugs on varieties Orenburg 10 and L-503. Among the tested seed protectants, TMTD+ (2.5 l/t) and Turion (0.35 l/t) were the most effective in influencing the yield of durum wheat grains, in soft wheat crops (on average for two varieties), Turion (0.35 l/t) and Raxil Ultra (0.25 l/t).

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(1):16-24
pages 16-24 views

Accumulation of stubble and root residues in cropped rotations when using the No-till technology in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of the Middle Volga region

Trots N.M., Orlov S.V., Gerasimov E.S., Bokova A.A.


The purpose of the research is to develop methods for increasing soil fertility and crop yields due to the supply of stubble and root residues in grain-row crop rotations. Direct sowing involves the cultivation of plants without physical preparation of the soil with the preservation of crop residues of the previous crop on its surface. Stubble and root residues provide favorable conditions for biological processes in the soil, contribute to carbon sequestration. Field experiments were carried out in the period of 2018-2022 in the conditions of the Middle Volga region on the territory of the Pokhvistnevsky district within the land use boundaries of «Orlovka» – AIC LLC using direct sowing technologies (No-till). The soil is a typical medium-humus, medium-thick chernozem. Our research was carried out in 10 crop rotations where crops were grown: soybean, spring wheat, winter wheat, sunflower, barley, corn, mustard. Yield indicators and the amount of stubble and root residues (СRR) of each crop were calculated. Using the Microsoft Excel program, a mathematical analysis of the dependence of the yield on the total amount of surface and root residues of the predecessor crop was made. Based on the results of the study, it can be noted that the following crop rotation is optimal for soybeans: soybean – wheat – sunflower – fallow. A similar result was obtained in the soybean – corn – soybean – wheat crop rotation, where after corn and wheat a large amount of СRR remained — 103.0 and 43.4 c/ha, respectively. The most successful for obtaining the maximum yield of wheat can be considered crop rotations in which the alternation of wheat and soybeans occurs. Correlation analysis of the data showed that the closest relationship between the yield and the amount of СRR is observed in the case of cultivation of wheat after sunflower (r = 0.90) and sunflower after wheat (r = 0.82). It can also be noted that the plant residues of soybean and wheat do not mutually affect the formation of the future crop.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(1):25-31
pages 25-31 views


Restoration of the breeding function of cows and feed additive Optigen

Petukhova E.I., Baimishev M.H., Baimishev K.B.


The purpose of the work is to substantiate the duration of labor, the involution of the genitals and the restoration of the reproductive function of cows in relation to the dose of the feed additive Optigen. One of the important reasons for the disruption of the process of restoring the uterus after calving cows is a decrease in the musculoskeletal activity of its muscular layer as a result of a large metabolic load, metabolic disorders and hormonal background of the reproductive system, which contributes to the delay of the process of involution of the genitals and causes postpartum pathologies. The objectives of the research are to study the course of labor, the postpartum period, the timing of the involution of the genitals, the fertilization of cows depending on the dose of the feed additive Optigen; to determine the indicator of natural resistance of cows of the studied groups.  The experiment involved 40 heads of animals, from which groups of cows of ten heads each were formed (control, experimental-1, experimental-2, experimental-3). The groups were formed according to the principle of pairs of analogues. The experimental study was carried out on cows at the beginning of the dry period and before the peak of lactation. During the dry period, the animals of the control group were kept on the main diet, the animals of the experimental groups additionally received the feed additive Optigen in a dose: experimental-1 – 90 g, experimental-2 – 100 g and experimental-3 – 120 g. During the experiment, the birth and postpartum pathologies of cows of the studied groups, the duration of postpartum involution of the uterus, the reproductive function of cows after calving were studied. It was found that the indicators of the reproductive function of cows after calving, who received the Optigen feed additive in doses of 100 and 120 g as part of the main feed ration, had a slight difference. The inclusion of the Optigen feed additive in a dose of 100 g in the main diet of dry cows has a positive effect on the restoration of the reproductive function of cows in the postpartum period, reducing the duration of uterine involution, reducing the number of cases of postpartum complications due to the optimal composition of the active components of the feed additive.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(1):32-39
pages 32-39 views

Anatomical and functional characteristics of the muscles of the elbow joint in a domestic cat

Slesarenko N.A., Shirokova E.O., Oganov E.O., Shchetinina E.A.


The purpose of the research is to describe the anatomical and functional characteristics of the muscles of the elbow joint in feline representatives to determine the mechanism of damage. The article presents the anatomical and functional characteristics of the muscles of the elbow joint in a domestic cat. The study was performed at the Department of Anatomy and Histology of Animals named after Professor A. F. Klimov of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA named after K.I. Scriabin. The study of the anatomical and functional characteristics of the muscles acting on the elbow joint of a domestic cat was carried out using conventional and fine anatomical dissection using a binocular magnifying glass, biomechanical modeling of the locomotor act and identification of both general and specific patterns of their structure. The object of the study was a domestic cat (n=14) of both sexes aged from 2 to 7 years. Based on the conducted studies, the general and specific features of the anatomical organization of the muscles of the elbow joint in a representative of the feline family have been established. In a domestic cat, a deltoid-shoulder muscle, which was not previously described in the available literature, was found to be closely related to the shoulder muscle. The structural features of the triceps of the shoulder muscle were also established, manifested in the species-specificity of attachment of its long and medial heads, consolidation of the lateral head with the scapular part of the deltoid muscle, the presence of a common tendon of the long head and the acuminate muscles, and additional heads of the triceps of the shoulder muscle were found. The features of the anatomical design of a square pronator, the bundles of fibers of which are combined with one of the bellies of the radial flexor of the wrist, are presented. The obtained normative data can be basic in assessing the structural state of the musculoskeletal system and the diagnosis of orthopedic pathologies in the studied animals.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(1):40-46
pages 40-46 views

Leukogram recovery and increase of egg productivity of geese with candidamycosis digestive tract

Shaikhulov R.R., Mannapova R.T.


The aim of the research is to develop a scientifically based system for changing the morphofunctional reactions of blood cells in candidiasis of the digestive tract of geese and their recovery under the influence of a microbial enzyme preparation lithiase with adaptogens: probiotic and propolis to improve the safety and egg productivity of birds. Candidiasis of the digestive tract of geese all over the world causes significant economic damage. The traditional method of antimycotic therapy is not effective, the mortality of goslings reaches 80-100%. Blood tests of Linda geese were carried out from 7 to 90 days of age.  The research material was taken before the start of the experiment
(in 7-day – old goslings) – background, and then on the 14th, 30th, 60th, 90th, 120th and 150th days from the start of the drug administration. Birds, according to the principle of analogues, were divided into 7 groups. The first group – control – healthy birds, 2-7 groups – goslings, patients with candidomycosis of the digestive tract.  No therapeutic manipulations were carried out with the birds of group 2. Geese of 3 groups were subjected to traditional antibiotic therapy with nystatin, 4 groups – enzyme therapy with Lithiase, 5 groups – enzyme therapy on the background of probiotic therapy with Subtilis-C, 6 groups – enzyme therapy on the background of propolis therapy, 7 groups – complex enzyme therapy on the background of pro-biotic and propolis therapy. The use of the enzyme preparation of lithiase in combination with probiotic and propolis contributes to the restoration of morphofunctional blood parameters: an increase in the level of basophils by 2.4 times; pseudoeosinophils – by 2.93; eosinophils – by 2.52; lymphocytes – by 7.15; monocytes – by 11.8 times, as well as an increase in the egg productivity of geese: an increase in egg production by 1.59 times, an increase in egg mass by 1.67 times, an improvement in the incubation qualities of eggs and an increase in the safety of geese by 2.42 times.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(1):47-54
pages 47-54 views

Dynamics of blood indicators of cows when using feed additive Optigen

Petukhova E.I.


The purpose of the research is to determine the blood parameters of highly productive cows when using the feed additive Optigen. The experiment was carried out at the dairy complex of JSC «Niva» of the Stavropol district of the Samara region. To conduct the research, 4 groups of animals were formed from among highly productive cows (control, experimental-1, experimental-2, experimental-3) with 10 heads each. In addition to the main diet experimental groups of cows received a protected nitrogen-containing feed additive Optigen in doses during the dry period: experimental-1 – 90 g, experimental-2 – 100 g, experimental-3 – 120 g, animals of the control group did not receive a feed additive. Blood samples were taken from all 40 animals before the start of the research on the day of drying off, 3-4 days before parturition. It was found that in the blood of animals receiving the Optigen feed additive in a dose of 100 g in the structure of the main diet, the number of formed blood elements (erythrocytes, platelets) increases (within reference values) and the following biochemical parameters increase: calcium, inorganic phosphorus, carotene, total protein, alkaline reserve, glucose, alpha and gamma globulins with a decrease in the level of beta globulins, compared with the blood parameters of animals of the control and first experimental groups who received the Optigen feed additive in a dose of 90 g as a part of the main diet. The difference between the blood parameters of the animals of the studied groups that received the Optigen feed additive in a dose of 100 and 120 g as part of the main diet is insignificant. A positive effect on the morpho-biochemical parameters of blood is provided by optimizing rumen metabolism and the constancy of nitrogen concentration in the rumen.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(1):55-62
pages 55-62 views

Macromorphological characteristics of the hip joint muscles in the red spotted deer

Slesarenko N.A., Oganov E.O., Shirokova E.O.


The purpose of the research is to identify anatomical, topographic and biomechanical features of the gluteal muscle group of the red spotted deer. Anatomical features of the gluteal group of hip extensors in the subspecies of red deer – spotted deer, which are absent in the available literature, are presented. The affiliation of the muscles of the gluteal extensor group to different morphofunctional types has been established: the middle gluteal is dynamic, the additional gluteal is statodynamic, and the deep gluteal is dynamo-static, with corresponding functional abilities. The research was carried out at the Department of Anatomy and Histology of Animals named after Professor A. F. Klimov of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – Moscow veterinary academy named after K. I. Scriabin. The object of research is a mature red spotted deer (n=5), selected in the hunting farm of the Moscow region. The material for research is the caudal part of the trunk with pelvic limbs, separated at the level of the thoracic segment 10. The methods of fine macro- and micro-anatomical dissection were used, followed by functional analysis of the studied structures and skeletotopic projection of the points of attachment of parts of the muscle. It was found that the main extensor of the hip joint is the middle gluteal muscle. It is the most powerful among the muscles of the gluteal group, belongs to the dynamic type in its structure, is attached to an extensive surface – the muclock, the subcostal crest, the sacral tubercle and the adjacent surface of the iliac wing. Based on the conducted studies, additions were made to the topical features of anatomical formations on the pelvic (nameless) and femoral bones – the «line of the double muscle», the «line of the external locking muscle» on the ventral surface of the sciatic bone; «the site of the additional gluteal muscle», «the tubercle of the deep gluteal muscle» on the large trochanter of the femur.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(1):63-70
pages 63-70 views

Balance violation of vitamins in canidamycosis of geese

Shaikhulov R.R., Mannapova R.T.


The purpose of the research is to substantiate the degree of disruption and restoration of the balance of metabolic process catalysts, vitamins in the liver, with candidiasis of the digestive tract of geese against the background of the use of the enzyme lithiase in combination with adaptogens. Candidiasis is a predisposing factor for the development of mycotoxicosis, the primary and secondary cause of associative infections, invasions, diseases of non-infectious etiology. In goose farms, candidamycosis occurs spontaneously, against the background of stress factors of various nature. In cases of non-application of timely emergency measures, the mortality of young animals reaches 80-100%. The search for effective preventive measures and therapy remains an unsolved problem to date. In this regard, the influence of candidiasis of the digestive tract of geese on the processes of assimilation of vitamins by the body and restoration of their balance in the liver was studied. The experiments were carried out on goslings of the Linda breed in the farms of the Republic of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. Laboratory research were carried out in the conditions of republican scientific and production laboratories and laboratories of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology of the Russian State Agrarian University – the Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy. Birds were divided into 7 groups according to the principle of analogues: the first (control) – healthy individuals, the second-seventh – individuals affected by candidiasis of the digestive tract. No manipulations were carried out with geese of the second group, the young of the third were treated with the antimycotic nystatin, the fourth with the enzyme lithiase, the fifth with lithiase with probiotic, the sixth with lithiase with propolis, the seventh with a complex of lithiase with probiotic and propolis. The material was taken before the start of the experiment on the 7th day (background), and then on 14-, 30-, 60-, 90-e day. It has been found that microbn wawrunzim liticase in complex with probiotic subtilis C and propolisom contribute to the ubiquity of urovnya water-and gyrorasimarticum vitamin in roasted: B1 in 8.00; B2 in 4.00; B6 in 6.00; B12 in 9.00; C in 5.00; A in 4.00; E in 8.00.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(1):71-77
pages 71-77 views

Features of the effect of haylage with the bioconservant «GreenGrass 3×3» on the productive qualities of cows depending on their fatness

Mironov N.A., Karamaev S.V., Karamaeva A.S.


The aim of the research is to improve the productive qualities of imported cattle of Holstein and Ayrshire breeds by introducing alfalfa haylage with the bioconservant «GreenGrass 3x3» into the diet. The research material is alfalfa haylage prepared using the «GreenGrass 3×3» bioconservant. Due to the fact that animals have different degrees of fatness before the first calving, the task of research is to determine the characteristics of the effect of haylage with a bioconservant on their body. It was found that when feeding the first-heifer cows of experimental haylage groups with a bioconservant, the fertilization rate from the first insemination increased by 26.7-33.4% with the fatness of animals to 3.0 points, by 16.7-35.0% with the fatness of 3.0-4.0 points, by 16.7-35.0% with the fatness above 4.0 points. The duration of the service period decreased, respectively, by 14.0-22.0, 9.9-19.0 and 9.9-20.6%. In addition, in cows that received experimental samples of haylage with a bioconservant, milk yields for 305 days of lactation increased: with fatness below 3.0 points, the Holstein breed increased by 6.6%, the Ayrshire breed by 5.7%, with fatness 3.0-4.0 points, respectively, by 7.3 and 6.7%, with fatness higher 4.0 points – by 5.1 and 4.7%. In animals with optimal fatness, within 3.0-4.0 points, milk yields for 305 days of lactation increased in the Holstein breed by 21.3-50.4%, Ayrshire – by 26.3-50.6%, milk yields per day of lactation, respectively, by 7.1-50.0 and 20.7-25.0%. Among the disadvantages of using haylage with a bioconservant, it should be noted an uneven increase in live weight and milk yield of cows, which leads to an increase in the milk content index, which means an increase in the physiological load on the animal body.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(1):78-84
pages 78-84 views

Impact of selenium and probiotic on meat productivity of broiler chickens

Shitenkova N.A., Salomatin V.V., Varakin A.T., Konobley T.V.


The aim of the research is to improve the biological value of the diet of broiler chickens and their meat qualities by using the selenium-containing drug DAFS-25k in combination with different doses of the feed probiotic supplement «Bacell-M». In the rations of broilers of the experimental groups, the tested additives were introduced: I experimental group – full-fledged compound feed (PC) + DAFS-25k + probiotic additive «Bacell-M» in the amount of 0.9 mg and 1.5 g per 1 kg of compound feed, respectively; II experimental group – PC + DAFS-25k + probiotic up to-baucus «Bacell-M» in the amount of 0.9 mg and 2.0 g per 1 kg of compound feed, respectively; III experimental group – PC + DAFS-25k + probiotic additive «Bacell-M» in the amount of 0.9 mg and 2.5 g per 1 kg of compound feed, respectively. According to the results of the studies, it was found that, compared with the control, the introduction of additives into the broiler feed of the experimental groups of tested additives allowed to improve the mass of the gutted carcass – by 4.49 (P<0.05), 6.64 (P<0.01) and 5.63% (P<0.01), respectively; the mass of edible parts of the carcass – by 4.89 (P<0.05), 7.38 (P<0.01) and 6.29% (P<0.01); muscle mass, including pectoral – by 4.60 (P<0.05), 6.95 (P<0.01) and 5.84% (P<0.05), and femoral – by 6.18 (P<0.05), 7.67 (P<0.01) and 6.57% (P<0.05). The young birds of the experimental groups have higher quality indicators of meat: the dry matter content in the pectoral muscles – by 0.07, 0.20 (P<0.05) and 0.15% (P<0.05); protein content – by 0.23 (P<0.05), 0.50 (P<0.01) and 0.39% (P<0.05). The highest indicators of meat yield and quality were noted in group II broilers.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(1):85-90
pages 85-90 views

Features of growth and development of pigs of large white breed at different levels of feeding

Ukhtverov A.M., Baymishev M.K., Zaitseva E.S., Malakhova O.A.


The aim of the research is to increase the productive qualities of purebred young pigs during their intensive growth and development due to the level of feeding. The ability of an organism to compensate for temporary delays in growth and development is a natural property of all living beings. Scientific and economic experience was carried out in 2019-2021 on pigs of large white breed in the conditions of breeding farm of joint-stock company «Severnyj klyuch» of the Samara region. When carrying out the scientific research in the conditions of pig breeding farm in order to study the growth and development of purebred young pigs with insufficient, normalized and increased levels of feeding during their intensive growth, it was found that the level of increased by 30% and normalized feeding of young pigs does not provide full recovery of weight loss of body parts after underfeeding by 30% within 2 months. It has been established that under-feeding at a young age significantly affects the formation of the physique of the animal, which can be judged by the change in the basic measurements of the body. With normalized and elevated levels of feeding (after underfeeding of animals), the body, due to a hereditary peculiarity, tries to make up for the lost losses caused by underfeeding faster, especially in the first two months of successful feeding. The levels of increased by 30% and normalized feeding of young pigs do not provide full recovery of weight loss of body parts after underfeeding by 30% for 2 months. The stronger the effect of the undesirable factor, the more difficult it is for indicators to approach the normal physiological value, not only with normalized feeding, but also with an increased level of feeding after underfeeding.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(1):91-97
pages 91-97 views

Features of the hair cover in crossbred bulls and heifers obtained by reciprocal crossing of kalmyk and the mandolong breed

Molostova A.Y., Karamaev S.V., Karamaeva A.S.


The purpose of the research is to evaluate the adaptive abilities of first–generation crossbreeds from reciprocal crossing of Kalmyk and Mandolong breeds of beef cattle. One of the mechanisms of animal adaptation to new environmental conditions is the hair cover, its structure, structure, quality indicators. In cattle, the body hair changes twice a year, during spring and autumn molting. In this regard, the main objective of the research was to study the quality of the hair cover of crossbreeds obtained by reciprocal crossing of Kalmyk and Mandolong breeds depending on the season. It was found that in winter, the hair density was higher in bulls by 70.4-78.7%, in heifers – by 66.5–70.5%, the length of pigtails, respectively, by 4.55-4.74 times and 4.38-4.61 times, the weight of hair from 1 cm2 of skin – by 4.76-5.04 times and 4.62-4.82 times. At the same time, in winter the difference was greater in the descendants of bulls of the Kalmyk breed – in the density of bulls by 9.8%, heifers – by 10.0%, in the length of pigtails – by 2.6 and 2.4%, in the weight of hair from 1 cm2 of skin – by 1.8 and 2.1%. The results of the study of the hair cover structure showed that in crossbreeding young cows of the Mandolong breed with bulls of the Kalmyk breed the proportion of fluff, which performs the main function of thermoregulation, in summer was less than in the descendants of bulls of the Mandolong breed, by 0.3-0.5%, and in winter, on the contrary, more by 2.5-2.6%.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(1):98-103
pages 98-103 views

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