Vol 8, No 3 (2023)

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Influence of phosphogypsum on onion productivity when growing in the steppe zone of the Samara Zavolzhie

Akanova N.I., Trots N.M., Kholomieva L.N., Solovyov A.A.


The purpose of the research is to develop methods for increasing onion productivity and minimizing the content of heavy metals in products by introducing phosphogypsum on chernozem soils of the southern agroclimatic zone of the Samara region. It was revealed that the onion of the Coabo F1 hybrid under conditions of sufficient moisture on chernozem soils produces a sufficiently high yield – 53.0 t/ ha. Due to the application of FG, the sulfur content in the soil increases: at a dose of 2 t/ ha, it increases 1.6 times and grows dynamically with an increase in the dose of FG, the maximum increase (5.5 times) was noted with the application of 10 t/ha – 124.3 mg/kg. With a low availability of movable sulfur in the region and a shortage of the element in the soil, FG can be considered as a source of this element. Regarding the dynamics of the gross content of heavy metals, it was found that when FG is applied, there is practically no increase in the amount of Zn, Ni, Cu in the soil, and the Cd content decreases. The amount of Pb decreases by 1.7 times – from 13.0 to 5.0 mg/kg. The gross content of all heavy metals and the number of their movable forms in all variants does not exceed the established MPC. The application of phosphogypsum in combination with mineral fertilizers helps to increase the onion productivity. The application of phosphogypsum into the soil against the background of the use of mineral fertilizers provides an increase in the yield of onion of the Coaba F1 hybrid in the range of 14.0-19.5% (or 26.9-33.9 t / ha), the highest yield was obtained in the variant with the application of 8 t / ha of phosphogypsum – 57.5 t/ ha. The use of phosphogypsum helps to increase the calcium content, improve the structure of the soil and increase the yield and quality of vegetable crops.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(3):3-10
pages 3-10 views

Combinational ability of components crosses of hybrids F1 sugar sorghum on biomass yield

Oksana O.P.


The aim of the research is to evaluate the general (GCA) and specific combinational ability (SCA) of iso-nuclear CMS lines based on sterile cytoplasmas A3, A4, 9E and samples of sugar sorghum in the system of test crosses. Currently, the most promising direction of breeding is the creation of F1 hybrids of sugar sorghum, based on the identification and selection of parental forms with high combinational ability. The starting material and F1 hybrids were grown in the arid conditions of the Saratov Right Bank in 2016-2018: the hydrothermal coefficient during the growing season was 0.51-1.01. The evaluation of the combinational ability of the crossing components was carried out using the topcross method. F1 hybrids differed significantly in biomass yield. The most productive were hybrids, in which the line was used as the paternal form L-52/13 – 39,9-71,4 t/ha. The analysis of the combinational ability of the components of crosses based on three-year results showed that high effects of GCA were noted in the varieties Volzhskoe 51 (1.91-11.31), Saratovskoe 90 (2.67-15.71) and the line L-52/13 (2.38-5.54). The greatest SCA variances were found in the variety Saratovskoe 90 (1.21-189.27) and the lines L-60/12 (9.98-14.53), L-52/13 (30.43-54.83). It was found that the type of sterile cytoplasm of iso-nuclear CMS lines did not significantly affect the general and specific combinational ability of biomass yield. At the same time, higher rates of effects GCA (1.04-1.27) and dispersions SCA (11.80-36.66) were noted in 9E Zheltozyornoe 10 compared with analogues on sterile cytoplasmas A3 and A4. It is advisable to use the information obtained in breeding programs for the breeding of highly productive hybrids of sugar sorghum.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(3):11-18
pages 11-18 views

Increasing the bioproductivity of ammi majus with the application of growth regulators and microfertilizers in the conditions of the Middle Volga region

Zagoryansky A.N., Nikiforova O.I., Setin V.N., Kozhevnikova O.P.


The aim of the research is to increase the yield and resistance to the stress factors of ammi majus with the application of growth regulators and microfertilizers in the conditions of the Middle Volga region. Obtaining stable yields, the value of which corresponds to the biological potential as much as possible, is an urgent task of modern medicinal crop production. The instability of weather conditions and the deterioration of the general environmental situation have a negative impact on the growth and development of medicinal crops, leading to a decrease in the resistance of plants to stress factors and the inability to fully realize their potential in cultivated varieties. In this regard, in medicinal crop production, in the development of progressive growing technologies, great attention is paid to the use of natural bioregulators for the treatment of seeds and vegetative plants with different active substances. On the territory of the collection nursery of the Central Volga branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution VILAR in 2020-2022 the experiment was conducted to study the influence of Zircon, Albit and Siliplant growth regulators on the resistance of plants to unfavorable growing conditions, and an increase in the yield of ammi majus fruits. The experiment and observations were carried out in accordance with the methodological instructions. During the years of research, weather conditions were extreme with high temperatures and no precipitation. Stimulation of plants with studied preparations increased height of plants by 1.1-6.0%, number of umbrellas by 5%, weight of fruits in one umbrella by 7.1-22.0%, yield by 10-26%. Over three years of studies in raw materials in the Middle Volga region, when laying the generative organs, the most optimal conditions were developed for ammi majus, the large seeds of which were treated with the Albit growth regulator at a dose of 0.03 l/t. The fruit yield in this case was 804 kg/ha, which is 164 kg more than the control group.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(3):19-27
pages 19-27 views

Forecasting of soil-hydrological parameters with the help of artificial intelligence

Chelovechkova A.V., Komissarova I.V., Miroshnichenko N.V.


The purpose of the study is the development of a mathematical model of moisture transfer in soils. The studies were carried out on leached, low-humus, medium-thick, light loamy chernozem. To build the model, the main physical properties of the soil (granulometric composition, density, porosity) were taken. At the initial stage of the work, the construction of the basic hydrophysical characteristic was carried out by laboratory and calculation methods. Since the cost of obtaining soil-hydrophysical information, especially taking into account spatiotemporal variability, is usually high, the urgent task is to simplify and reduce the cost of obtaining soil-hydrophysical information. Therefore, in order to reduce the time spent, a hardware-software technique for constructing the studied graphs was developed. Soil-hydrological constants were determined from the obtained graphs. The values of the main physical properties of the soil and the obtained soil-hydrological constants made it possible to select data for working on a predictive model using artificial intelligence. As a result of forecasting using the TensorFlow framework with single-layer linearization, predictive values were obtained for the maximum soil hygroscopicity Wmg, the maximum molecular water capacity Wmw, the lowest water capacity Wnv, for the value of the yield strength Wpt and porosity ε. Based on the results obtained, it can be noted that for the parameter of maximum molecular water capacity, the model predicts a fairly well predictable parameter. The loss function used makes it possible to see that the obtained values of the Wmg parameter are close to the test data. Most of the values center around the value zero, getting bigger or smaller with about equal probability. In the case of the Wmv parameter, the loss function takes on a constant value starting from epoch 75. Observation of minor outliers allows us to speak about the reliability of the predictive model of the parameter. In the case of porosity ε, a large spread of predicted values should be noted. This may be due to the fact that the total porosity was determined without taking into account the change in the profile of active pores occupied by capillary water and aeration pores.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(3):28-36
pages 28-36 views


Investigation of the quality of embedding the topsoil with tiered plows

Erzamaev M.P., Sazonov D.S., Artamonov E.I., Nesterov E.S.


The purpose of the study is to improve the quality of embedding of the upper horizon during tier tillage. The work examines the quality of topsoil embedding with tiered plows: a serial PNYa-4-42 plow and a combined plough with a frictionless lower-tier hull. To determine the profile of the furrow at the beginning of the experiment, an even section of the field was selected. In this area of ​ the field, one working stroke of the unit was carried out. Then, to create a coordinate system, four posts were installed on the field, two (furrow posts) on the treated part and two (field posts) on the untreated part of the field. Racks with a scale were laid and fixed on furrow and field posts, forming coordinates in the longitudinal direction. To determine the coordinates of movement of the upper and lower soil layers, a developed private technique for laying numbered chips was used. Chips up to 0.02 m in size were located in two levels the first level on the soil surface, the second at a depth of 0.08...0.10 m. 8 rows of 6 chips in a row were laid. Comparative analysis of soil tillage by tiered plows confirms the effectiveness of tools in weed control due to high-quality filling of weed vegetation seeds with transportation of the topsoil to the furrow to the specified depth of tillage. At the same time, treatment with a plow PNYA-4-42 allows embedding to a depth of more than 0.2 m 86.1% of the seeds of weed vegetation, and experimental tier tillage with a combined plow allows embedding to a depth of more than 0.2 m 96.6% of the seeds which is better in the quality of embedding with a special serial tiered plow. Combined plow makes it possible to provide better embedding of topsoil with contained seeds of weed plants, which can increase efficiency of weed vegetation control, as well as find its application in technologies providing embedding of organic and mineral fertilizers into root layer.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(3):37-44
pages 37-44 views

Justification of the improving direction design of grain crushers

Chuikov V.E., Konovalov V.V., Dontsova M.V., Petrova S.S.


The purpose of the research is to substantiate a promising direction for improving grain crushers. The effective use of feed raw materials requires its grinding to increase the digestibility and, as a result, increase the productivity of reared animals. The grinding products must meet the zootechnical requirements. The process of feed grinding is very energy-consuming. The improvement of devices for grinding feed is of great national and economic importance. The designs of various hammer crushers, as well as crushers with blade, knife and «acceleration» bills are considered. The analysis of the work of grain grinders by the amount of energy consumption allowed to identify the prospects of crushers of the chipping principle of action in comparison with hammer and bill crushers operating on the principle of impact. Chipping type crushers are divided into: centrifugal-rotary crushers with finger (pin) working bodies; roller delivery with riffles; cone inertial crushers with toothed cones according to the type of roller delivery with internal contact of toothed-riffle rollers. Among these types of grinders, due to the possibility of self-cleaning, the most promising are cone inertial crushers with toothed cones, which allow to expand the working area for humidity and grinding of oilseeds. In the process of trial tests of a laboratory sample of a cone inertial crusher of the design of PenzSTU and FORMADEL LLC, the value of energy consumption of 4.6 kWh/t was confirmed. In order to reduce the energy consumption of grain grinding, increase the productivity of the device and the quality of the product, additional interpolation and optimization studies are required to justify the optimal values of the rotational speed of the conical rotor and the gap between the working bodies.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(3):45-55
pages 45-55 views

Theoretical studies of a disc coulter with grooves in the form of an epicycloid along the contour

Sipunov V.A., Shumaev V.V., Fudina E.V.


The purpose of the research is to improve the quality of sowing grain crops by developing and using a pneumatic seeder coulter, which allows to increase the uniformity of seed distribution over the sowing depth. The well-known designs of foot, single-disc and double-disc coulters have significant traction characteristics, however, they cannot provide a suitable copy of the terrain of the field, forming an extensive furrow that is not easy to close up. All of the above has a negative effect on the uniformity of the distribution of seeds of grain and leguminous crops both along the length of the row and in the depth of the embedding. It has been established that a promising direction for improving the performance of a sowing machine or unit is to equip grain seeders with disc coulters, along the contour of which there are grooves in the form of an epicycloid. The article presents the design of a disc coulter developed at the Department of Mechanization of Technological Processes in the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Penza State Agrarian University, which has a novelty confirmed by an expert examination, in connection with which a decision was made to grant a patent for utility model №215855. The coulter disc has grooves in the form of an epicycloid along the contour for a qualitative process of furrowing and crumbling of soil containing a large number of crop residues and soil elements of large fractions. A graphic image was obtained, according to which it was found that it is advisable to choose a coulter disc with a radius of 225-250 mm – at the same time it is possible to work with soil elements up to 30-32 mm, but if larger soil elements appear on the surface of the field, they will collapse due to the presence of grooves along the contour made in the form of an epicycloid.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(3):56-62
pages 56-62 views

Technology, means of mechanization and power equipment in agriculture

Ukhanov A.P., Sidorov E.A., Sidorova L.I.


The purpose of the research is to carry out an experimental assessment of the technical, economic and ecological indicators of the atmospheric tractor diesel D-243 when it operates in a non-loading mode of self-idling on diesel mixed bio-oil fuel, the vegetable component of which is sunflower oil. During operation, the motor of tractor equipment operates up to 35% of the shift time in the non-loading mode of independent idling. Due to the small cyclic fuel supply, the diesel engine has a deteriorated workflow, which negatively affects its technical, economic and environmental indicators. In the conditions of the transition of tractor equipment from traditional types of motor fuel to renewable energy sources, it becomes necessary to conduct experimental studies of diesels when they work on alternative fuels. One of the types of alternative motor fuel is diesel mixed bio-oil fuel, in which sunflower oil simultaneously performs the functions of a vegetable component and a biological additive. The technical, economic and environmental performance of the engine was evaluated on the example of the tractor atmospheric diesel D-243 in the conditions of bench tests on the brake system. In comparison with the operation of the engine on commercial petroleum diesel fuel, an improvement in environmental indicators was found with a slight deterioration in the fuel and economic indicators of diesel. In particular, the best environmental indicators were obtained when the diesel engine was running on diesel mixed bio-oil fuel with a ratio of vegetable and petroleum components – 50% sunflower oil : 50% diesel fuel. Treatment of diesel mixed bio-oil fuel with ultrasound makes it possible to improve the technical, economic and environmental performance of diesel compared with raw ultrasound diesel mixed bio-oil fuel.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(3):63-69
pages 63-69 views


Effects of an estrogen drug on the growth dynamics of offspring of laboratory mice

Kvochko A.N., Sulaimanova R.T., Askhabova E.D., Sulaimanova L.I.


The purpose of the research is to substantiate the effect of the estrogen–type drug fulvestrant on the somatometric parameters of the offspring of laboratory mice. To conduct experimental studies, the offspring of laboratory mice was used, whose mothers were injected with an estrogen-type drug fulvestrant at a dose of 100 mcg/kg once intramuscularly on the eleventh day of pregnancy. Two groups were analyzed. The first (n=15) is intact – without exposure. Animals of the second experimental group were administered once intramuscularly fulvestrant 0.4 ml 0.0005% at a dose of 100 mcg / kg (F-100 mcg / kg). Male and female offspring at the age of one month were separated and raised in groups until puberty. Males and females were placed in separate cells with the appropriate labeling of the injected drug. Somatometric studies were carried out on the resulting offspring – body weight (g), body length (mm), head length (mm), tail length (mm), right hind foot length (mm) and anogenital distance (AGR) (mm) were measured. Analysis of somatometric parameters of male offspring of laboratory mice showed that body weight decrease by 21.5% (p <0.05), body length decrease by 13.1% (p<0.05), head length decrease by 8.1%. The anogenital distance increased by 18.1% (p<0.05). Analysis of somatometric parameters of female offspring of laboratory mice showed that there was a decrease in body weight by 21.4% (p <0.05), a decrease in the anogenital distance by 13.4% (p< 0.05). The resulting male and female offspring at the age of one month of postnatal development as a result of injection to pregnant mothers of the estrogen-type drug fulvestrant at a dose of 100 mcg/ kg had changes in somatometric parameters due to the effect of the administered drug. The results of the study make it possible to use the experimental data obtained to search for means of correcting reproductive dysfunction in postnatal development. Limiting the administration of estrogenic drugs during pregnancy will provide an opportunity to avoid adverse effects in postnatal ontogenesis in female and male offspring.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(3):70-74
pages 70-74 views

Broiler chicken meat quality when feeding biologically active drugs

Zlepkina N.A., Salomatin V.V., Varakin A.T., Zlepkin V.A.


The aim of the research is to increase the nutritional and biological value of broiler chicken meat through the use of Karolin in the diets together with probiotic drugs. During the experiment, the tested preparations were included in the rations of the broilers of the experimental groups: broiler chickens of the 1st experimental group received an adequate compound feed with 2.5 liters of the preparation Karolin and 350 g of the probiotic Subtilis per 1 ton of compound feed; broiler chickens of the 2nd experimental group received an adequate compound feed with 2.5 liters of the preparation Karolin and 2 kg of the probiotic Bacell-M per 1 ton of compound feed; broiler chickens of the 3rd experimental group received an adequate compound feed with 2.5 liters of the drug Karolin and 1 kg of the probiotic Cellobacterin-T per 1 ton of compound feed. In the course of research, it was found that the use of the studied preparations in the diets of broiler chickens contributes to an increase in the nutritional and biological value of the pectoral muscles of the experimental bird. Studies of the chemical composition of the meat of young experimental poultry indicated that broilers of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd experimental groups contained less moisture in the pectoral muscles, respectively, by 0.16, 0.24 (P<0.05) and 0.35% (P<0.01); more organic matter – by 0.17 (P<0.05), 0.25 (P<0.01) and 0.35% (P<0.01); protein – by 0.24 (P<0.05), 0.29 (P<0.05) and 0.58% (P<0.001) than in control group chickens. Compared with the poultry of the control group, the meat of the pectoral muscles of broiler chickens of the experimental groups has a higher biological value and culinary and technological indicators. The best indicators of meat quality were found in poultry of the 3rd experimental group.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(3):83-88
pages 83-88 views

Features of the formation of hair and skin structure in bulls of different breeds depending on age and season of the year

Gazeev I.R., Karamaev S.V., Tagirov H.K., Karamaeva A.S.


The purpose of the research is to scientifically substantiate the change in the hair cover of bulls of different productivity directions depending on age and season of the year. Performing a heat-protective function, the hair cover of cattle changes with the age of animals, most of all according to the seasons of the year as a result of spring and autumn molting. In this regard, it is necessary to know what factors influence these changes, what changes occur in the morphological structure of the skin and its derivatives. To achieve this goal, three groups of 15 heads each were formed from newborn bulls of black-and-white, Bestuzhev and Kalmyk breeds at the livestock complexes of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Samara region. Hair quality, histological and morphological structure of the skin were studied in experimental animals aged 8, 12, 18 months. It was found that at the age of 8 months, the thickest wool was in Calmy bulls. At the age of 12 months, after the change of winter hair cover to summer, the density decreased in animals of group I by 480 pcs./ cm2 (35.6%), group II – by 671 pcs./ cm2 (42.9%), group III – by 537 pcs./ cm2 (31.8%). By the age of 18 months, after the autumn molt, the density increased again, respectively, by 601 pcs./ cm2 (69.3%); 833 pcs./ cm2 (93.3%); 646 pcs. / cm2 (56.1%). Histological studies of the skin have shown that the signs characterizing the quality of the hair cover are due to differences in the structure of the skin, as well as the number and location of the glands of the skin. Therefore, when choosing the method of keeping bulls, it is necessary to take into account these features of the skin and hair of the studied breeds.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(3):75-82
pages 75-82 views

Reproductive abilities of cows and the quality of newborn calves during purebred breeding and crossing of Kalmyk and Mandolong breeds

Negmatov K.M., Gubaidullin N.M., Tagirov H.K., Gazeev I.R., Minibaev V.R.


The purpose of the research is to assess the reproductive ability of cows and the quality of newborn calves during purebred breeding and crossing of Kalmyk and Mandolong breeds of beef cattle. The study of the influence of the method of purebred breeding and crossing of Kalmyk and Mandolong breeds of beef cattle on the reproductive abilities of cows and the quality of newborn calves was carried out in the conditions of the farm «IP Bugaeva V.S.» of the Samara region. The research materials were Kalmyk and Mandolong cows and their first-generation crossbreeds, as well as newborn calves on the first day after birth. In newborn calves of the Kalmyk and Mandolong breeds, as well as first- and second-generation calves, the time of manifestation of the main physiological reactions was studied: getting on their feet, the manifestation of the sucking reflex, consumption of the first portion of colostrum, the volume of colostrum consumed relative to the live weight of the calf. It was found that due to the large difference in live weight in cows and bulls during interbreeding, crossbreed calves of the first generation were born large – 7.05-7.94% relative to the live weight of the mother, as a result, the proportion of calving with complications was 20.0%. Calves born during calving with complications adapt more slowly to environmental conditions, their physiological activity is weaker. The first portion of colostrum was consumed by crossbred bulls from the problem group later than the physiological norm by 9.3-15.4 minutes in volume, relative to their live weight, less by 1.60-1.66% (P<0.001). Therefore, to cross Kalmyk and Mandolong breeds, in order to avoid difficult calving, it is necessary to select only full-aged, well-developed, with a high live weight cows of the Kalmyk breed.

Bulletin Samara State Agricultural Academy. 2023;8(3):89-96
pages 89-96 views

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